Prebonded Extension Wave

You've always dreamed of having fairytale princess hair, but you don't have the patience to wait for your short hair to reach the right...

You've always dreamed of having fairytale princess hair, but you don't have the patience to wait for your short hair to reach the right length!  Additionally, your hair stays hopelessly straight, despite your attempts to give them lovely curls with permanent.  So be reassured: RH Excellence offers you very nice extensions prebonded wavy!  Entirely designed with healthy natural hair, both supple and silky, these extensions will be applied to you with the greatest care, thanks to the revolutionary technique of keratin laying.  The result will be absolutely breathtaking, for a natural look and has a very good shelf life of several months. If you seek to achieve hair full of grace and wave like celebrities, or aspire to hair that is denser than usual, this wavy extension keratin will suit you perfectly, we guarantee it!